1. There are several reasons why the "MySQL shutdown unexpectedly" error can occur in XAMPP. Here are some common solutions to this problem:
2. Check the MySQL error log: The error log can be found in the XAMPP installation folder, usually in xampp\mysql\data\mysql_error.log. This log will often provide more information about the cause of the shutdown.
3. Port conflict: Ensure that no other service uses the default MySQL port (3306). If another service is using this port, you can either stop that service or change the MySQL port in the XAMPP control panel.
4. Increase the value of wait_timeout: If the MySQL server is shutting down due to an idle connection, you can increase the value of wait_timeout in the my.ini file.
5. Disable the firewall: Temporarily disabling the firewall on your computer can help to determine if it is causing the shutdown.
6. Reinstall XAMPP: In some cases, reinstalling XAMPP can solve the problem.
#HowToFixMySqlShutdownUnexpectedly #MySqlnotopeninginXampp #XamppMySQLerror #ErrorMysqlshutdownunexpectedly
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