The recently released Malayalam thriller film ‘2018’ is reportedly all set to create history in Kerala today. The film has already made history by becoming the fastest Malayalam movie to mint Rs 100 crore in just 17 days in Kerala. The survival thriller drama film is now reportedly all set to overtake the lifetime collection of SS. Rajamouli’s 'Baahubali 2 in Kerala by today’s matinee shows.
The film will also emerge as the second-highest-grossing Malayalam movie of all time. SSRajamouli’s 2017 epic action war drama film ‘Baahubali 2: The Conclusion’ is said to have minted over Rs 73 crore in its lifetime collections there. While Rs 78.50 crore is said to be the all-time highest-grossing figure for any Malayalam movie so far, it was done by Mohan Lal’s ‘Puli Murugan," which was dubbed and released in Telugu too.
The ‘2018’ survival thriller film is written by Jude Anthany Joseph along with Akhil P. Dharmarajn and directed by Jude Anthany Joseph. It stars Tovino Thomas, Kunchacko Boban, Asif Ali, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Lal, and Narain, among other ensemble cast members, and is said to be based on actual events during the 2018 Kerala floods. The film will be released on May 5, 2023.
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